Installation ============ This program requires the following run time libraries: VBRUN300.DLL VER.DLL VBCTL3D.VBX Make sure these files are located in your windows' system directory. If not copy them over. To reduce the download time I did not include VBRUN300.DLL which is commonly available in large number of forums through out CompuServe. It might be on your hard drive already; due to so many shareware which use VBRUN300.DLL.You can copy the main file VERINFO.EXE to any directory you like. Overview ======== Almost all the files run under Windows use a technique called Version Stamping that contains information about that particular file such as file version, creator, copyrights ,file description ETC. I said almost all the files because some compilers such as Visual Basic for Windows, which this files was compiled with, doesn't support version stamping for executables. It is not unusual that when you look through your windows directories you would see, sometimes, hundreds of files which you don't know what they are or wonder if they needed to run any of the applications you have. Some of these files you don't need them any more. This is the result of installing an application then uninstalling it from your drive. Therefore you can use Version Info to get an idea of the contents of these files. How to use Version Info 1.0 =========================== Simply click on the file name in the file box. If there is a version stamp in the file, the info will be displayed on your screen. Remember not all the files run under windows have version stamps. Files with the following extensions would usually have version stamps; EXE,DLL,DRV,FON,CPL,VBX,TSK,FIL,MOD..etc. To copy the information to clipboard simply click on Copy To CB button. To remove a file from disk click on Delete button. Finale ====== This will be my very first distribution of any of the applications I wrote. So please let me know about any bugs and comments. You can reach me through CompuServe 73612,1660 or by mail: Cem Demir 194 Knickerbocker Ave Paterson NJ 07503 Hope it will be useful to you. ***This software is distrubited AS IS without a warranty of any kind.The author assume no liability for any alleged or actual damages arising from the use of this software.